Submissions currently closed

Spineless Wonders is seeking submissions for the Moon Orchard Audiobook Anthology of South-East Asian voices. We’re looking for writers and creators regardless of their publishing experience to share their experiences with culture and identity in Australia and abroad.

Who: South-East and East Asian authors and voices.

Why: We want to provide a platform for South-East and East Asian voices because we feel that they’re under-represented in the Australian literature landscape

What: We’re looking for submissions of fiction, creative non-fiction, songs, or translations, with a limit of 200-1000 words or 1 – 10 minutes. You can submit your work as text and/or audio format.

When: Submissions close April 30, 2022.


How: Submit your entries via our online form on Submittable.

Entry fees: $15 | $10 students and concession holders

If you have any questions, shoot us an email: info[at]shortaustralianstories[dot]com[dot]au

Photo Credit: pexels-makafood