#storybombing offers a range of multiplatform, immersive experiences created by a team of installation artists, performers, composers, videographers and audio engineers aimed at bringing Spineless Wonders’ stories from the page to the general public in surprising and diverting ways. #storybombing activities range from ephemeral low-tech forms such as a line of text chalked onto a pavement through to hi-tech applications that enable inanimate objects to generate text, sound and image.

#storybombing can be a one-off performance such as a dazzling night of microlit videos at  Chippendale's Beams Festival through to semi-permanent installations such as StoryPhones in your local cafe. Keep informed about upcoming events and how you can get involved by subscribing to our newsletter, Sluglines.

Event organisers who wish to discuss #storybombing activities, should contact info[at]shortaustralianstories[dot]com[dot]au


#storybombing in 2020

Newcastle Writers Festival

Watch 25 contributors performing work published in the Scars microlit anthology.Logo Newcastle Writers Festival

#storybombing LITFEST2444

Phone It In competition for high school students of the Mid North Coast region of NSW


#storybombing in 2019

Newcastle Writers Festival

Logo Newcastle Writers Festival

#storybombing Inner West

Logo Sydney Inner West

#storybombing in 2018


Newcastle Writers Festival


Green Square

Joynton Avenue Creative Centre


#storybombing in 2017

Newcastle Writers Festival

Surry Hills Festival

National Young Writers Festival


#storybombing in 2016

Beams Arts Festival