Green Square 2018
The Connecting You Now project aims to connect Green Square residents and visitors with contemporary literary culture by making available retro push-button telephones - loaded with a range of short audio stories - in public spaces across the precinct. Some of the stories will from authors already published by Spineless Wonders and some will be new stories submitted by local residents.
The project aims to provide opportunities for the local community to get creative and to get involved.
Year of the Dog Stories
Story Prompts
Like help turning your dog story into an entertaining piece of fiction?
Try these story prompt ideas:
Have your dog tell the story of how it got its name.
If your dog were to describe you to another animal, what would it say?
Your dog’s bucket list - five things it wants to do before it dies.
Describe your dog eating its favourite meal - from your dog’s point of view.
If your dog starred in a movie, TV show or video game - who would it be?