An internship with Spineless Wonders’ #storybombing program enables students to gain valuable workplace experience and can help them develop industry-specific abilities in their chosen area of interest.
We value the contribution that interns make to our work and are committed to providing opportunities for students to develop personally and professionally in a supportive environment.
A #storybombing internship is project-based. The role the intern will play in a project is determined with them jointly and is based on their interest areas and the skills, knowledge they wish to develop and experiences they wish to take part in. Typically, interns may assist with the curating of published texts or the selection of new work submitted for a #storybombing installation. They may assist the team with developing #storybombing ideas for an upcoming event, with devising effective ways to increase audience engagement and active participation or to assist in the implementation stage of an installation.
As a multimedia storytelling platform, #storybombing welcomes interns from a range of disciplines such as writing, publishing, graphic arts, performance, video and sound production, design and innovation, event management, publicity and marketing.
Internships with the #storybombing program are hosted and supervised by Spineless Wonders. The duration and scope of internships depends on the needs of the #storybombing project and those of the student’s educational institution and assessment requirements.
For inquiries about the #storybombing internship program, please contact info [at] shortaustralianstories[dot]com[dot]au
One of the insights I gained from internship was that innovation becomes embedded in an organisation when the strength of creative vision is so great that everyone, from CEO to intern, starts dreaming about where it will go next. I fell in love with Spineless Wonders from the first moment I heard about it in my creative writing lecture last year. Their commitment to unbridled, indulgent creativity – adapting stories into animations and live readings and art installations – inspired and emboldened me to apply despite my lack of technical expertise in design and publishing, simply because it was so obvious they wanted genuine collaboration over anything else.
#storybombingnwf19 intern,
Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation