Farewell to Linda Godfrey

January 15, 2016By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article

This week we bid farewell to one of the founders of Spineless Wonders, Linda Godfrey. Over the past (almost) five years, Linda has worked tirelessly in a range of capacities within this small press – as editor, publicist and more recently, as curator of Little Fictions. Today I’d like to pay tribute to Linda’s massive … Read More

New microlit: Out of Place

May 12, 2015By Bronwyn Mehaninterviews

Cover by Richard Holt Spineless Wonders will soon release its annual anthology of microliterature. Co-editors, Kirsten Tranter and Linda Godfrey spoke to The Column about how this year’s Out of Place theme came about, what they were looking for from contributors and about some of the pieces they have included. Here’s what they said: Throwing … Read More