Out of Place: Tim Heffernan

December 10, 2015By Bronwyn MehanOut_of_Place, Shop

This week, we ask Wollongong-based writer, Tim Heffernan to tell us about the inspiration for his microlit piece published in Out of Place, edited by Kirsten Tranter and Linda Godfrey, about writers he admires and about endings. As Tim says, he is a serial ‘spineless wonder’ which is why we allow him, this once, to … Read More

Stoned Crow: Tim Heffernan

July 8, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? I wanted to communicate something about the nature of psychosis. This poem is a compressed recount of an actual walk around Sydney in May 2005 and it tries to show how real experiences conspire to create … Read More