
Spineless wonder

Welcome to Spineless Wonders’ blog, The Column. Here you will find news, views and reviews from the short fiction scene.

In coming weeks we will be posting Spineless Wonders Asks, a series of interviews with short story authors from around Australia.

Here at Spineless Wonders, we love quality shorts of any stripe and we are passionate about promoting Australian short stories and their authors. The Column is a place for us to share our enthusiasms with a wider community of writers and readers.

We have invited guest bloggers to write about trends and issues in short fiction. Our bloggers will range across forms and genres; from realist to experimental, from crime to speculative fiction as well as to short fiction’s distant cousin, prose poetry.

You are very welcome to join in these conversations.  You can add your views, add recommended reading and suggest topics for future blog posts in the box below.

We kick off with guest blogger, Ryan O’Neill, who takes a brief look at the history of experimental short fiction in Australia. Enjoy.

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