Miles is an artist living and working on Gadigal land. You can often find him presenting comics at Read To Me – a bimonthly visual storytelling event in Sydney. He is currently completing a Bachelor’s in Animation at UTS, where he is trying very hard to frame “painting body horror” as an academic pursuit. He’s passionate about musicals, graphic design, and making his characters suffer.


What inspired you to write ‘Wharf Rats’?


“With the rise in cost of living, I couldn’t afford to stay in my home anymore. There were always rats scurrying about near the river, and I found myself fiercely jealous of them because they were able to stay in a place I loved so dearly. I suspected they’d find my jealousy condescending, and so I began tinkering with a comic about it.”


What was the intention of styling your story with illustrations? Is art often an important part of your storytelling?


“I find it easier to communicate emotions with images. A change in angle or framing can convey meaning and imply a rhythm in a way I lack the skills to express with language.”


Are there any lessons you hope readers take from your story?


“I find it a fun challenge to try and create stories that feel narratively cohesive without an intended moral. The intent is primarily to convey an emotional experience.”


What does your creative process look like?


Miles humorously compares his creative process to Newton’s laws of motion: Objects (ideas) at rest remain at rest until acted upon by an external force (deadline).


“As this is a comic it’s been a cycle of sketching and feedback. Nothing’s as painful or as useful as hearing: why do they have a roommate? What’s with the tomatoes?”


Where can people find more of your work?


Check out Miles’ talent in his online portfolio at and follow @Milesmazzocato on Instagram. 

Get ready to meet Miles at our Slinkies launch party tickets now available, secure your spot today!!


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