“Quality short fiction. Packed with surprises. Prepare to be transported.” Marion Halligan

Escapist reading is usually light and inconsequential – ideal for those times when your body is relaxing on the beach, lounging in bed with a breakfast tray or slumping its way to work on public transport. The twenty-eight stories collected here, in Escape, Spineless Wonders’ first anthology, offer escapist reading which will excite as a well as entertain.

To escape into reading is to leave the mundane and to take an imaginative leap. These tales take you anywhere from the outback to outer space. Diverse in theme and form, they will tickle your fancy and open your eyes?to world events and to your own backyard.

Escapist literature is traditionally the domain of well-loved genres. In Escape, we aim to disturb expectations and to delight. Turn the page and here is experimentation, here fantasy. Here’s crime, existentialism and romance. Now an escape artist, now an escapee. Our tastes are catholic, with quality of writing the overriding criteria.

Enjoy reading Escape. And to learn more about the authors and join the conversation about their stories, go to the Escape Facebook page.

This collection features stories by the following invited contributors: Julie Chevalier, Jane Connors, Michael Giacometti, Linda Godfrey, Andy Kissane, Jennifer Mills, Ryan O’Neill, A.S. Patric, Caroline Reid, Josephine Rowe, Jon Steiner, Louise Swinn and Kim Westwood.

The winning entries from The Carmel Bird Short Fiction Award 2011 chosen by Sophie Cunningham are published in this anthology. Winner, Susan McCreery and runners up, SJ Finn and Claire Aman.

Also included are stories from The Carmel Bird Short Fiction Award longlist by Sue Booker, Allison Browning, Michelle Cahill, Meredyth Cilento, Sam Cooney, Kate Geyer, Irma Gold, Tiggy Johnson, Yin Lin, Duncan Reid, Jenny Sinclair, Doreen Sullivan and Mark Vender.


RRP $24.99

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