What Are Infectious Fictions?

Each day we will be delivering the world to you in the form of  short audio stories under 5 minutes in length. Narrated by actors at some of our recent live events or recorded in studio by some of authors, these stories are drawn from our annual microlit anthologies. Infectious Fictions will be posted daily at 8am AEST via this blog feed. To receive the daily installment direct to your inbox, fill in the SIGN UP TO NEW BLOG POSTS to the right of this post or type your email address here

More great audio from Spineless Wonders

If you are looking for longer fiction, there are over 4o episodes of Little Fictions On Air, our half-hour radio show available to listen to or download here at Radio 2RPH. Or you can listen to more microlit presented by Ali and Emma on Coffee Pod|cast. Check out one of their episodes here and subscribe here