Stoned Crow: Richard Holt

July 29, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? The Swimmer was written looking out on one of those mornings when the coastal horizon has been lost and the grey of sea and sky become one. The story came quickly as I watched a lone … Read More

Stoned Crow: Paul Mitchell

May 6, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? ‘The Veteran’ came out of a number of dream sequences I’d written that formed part of a novel. Now in about its sixth draft. I no longer needed them in the novel, but I always liked … Read More

Stoned Crow: Mark O’Flynn

April 18, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? I had collected a bunch of short aphorisms over several years that appealed to me. These took the form of pearls of wisdom from a range of different sources, including philosophy, haiku, other poets and many … Read More