This week we talk to Raelee Lancaster about ‘Wha’d I tell ya?’ which appears in Time, the latest Microlit anthology edited by Cassandra Atherton and published in 2018 by Spineless Wonders. In this interview, Raelee talks about her approach to writing microlit, what she is reading right now and her favourite time of year for putting pen to paper.

  1. Tell us about the inspiration behind your microlit for the Time

Culture, community, the curiosity and wonder only a child could carry.

  1. When it comes to microlit, do you generally start wide and then cut down or do you always plan to write a particular piece as microlit?

This was my first attempt at microlit and I found that, much like poetry, the words take on a mind of their own. I have about four different drafts of the same story saved on the Desktop of my computer, each one a different in length, form, and genre. The version I submitted was cut a lot for the sake of word count and clarity, but I think I had the chance to add some nuances to the piece that were not included in longer drafts.

  1. How do you balance reading time with writing time? And tell us about the book/s you are reading at the moment.

When I write, I immerse myself in the experience. When I read, I read widely and deeply. The balance is difficult to find. Often the scales are tipped more to one side than the other.

As for books, for the past few months, I’ve been switching between a biography on Queen Victoria by Julia Baird, ‘Heat and Light’ by Ellen van Neervan, ‘Inside My Mother’ by Ali Cobby Eckerman, and George R. R. Martin’s ‘A Storm of Swords’.

  1. What is your favourite season? Do you prefer to write in winter or summer and why? 

I love summer. The sun against my skin, the smell of sunscreen and mangoes, sweat running down my face as if I ran a marathon when in actual fact, I just walked down the stairs of my apartment building to check the mail. But I love writing during the winter. Curled up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of tea, my laptop, and David Bowie playing softly in the background as it rains outside.

RAELEE LANCASTER is a Brisbane-based poet and research assistant. Raelee has had work published by Rabbit and Westerly. Raised on Awabakal country, she has ties to the Wiradjuri people. Find Raelee on Twitter @raeleelancaster