Spineless Wonders is very proud to announce the following writers and their winning stories in The Carmel Bird Short Fiction Award, judged by Sophie Cunningham for 2011.

Winner $500

Susan McCreery     ‘The Gardener’

Runners Up $100

Claire Aman            ‘Those Gauls Must Be Crazy’

SJ Finn                      ‘Paper Anniversary’

These three stories along with twelve others which were selected from the many entries for this competition will be published in Escape, the anthology of short stories due for release in December.

Spineless Wonders would like to thank all of the writers who entered this year’s competition. We received entries in a range of genres from writers all across Australia, as well as from Australians living abroad.

This year’s short story anthology, Escape, will reflect the quality and range of the many entrants to The Carmel Bird Short Fiction Award. It will also include contributions from Ryan O’Neill, Jen Mills, Louise Swinn, Josephine Rowe, Julie Chevalier, Kim Westwood, Andy Kissane, A.S. Patric and many more.

With stories ranging from comic to tragic, romance to realist and fantasy to fabulist  – this anthology is the thinking person’s escapist reading. At $24.99 it will definitely be this summer’s best short story smorgasbord.

Out for Xmas. As p-book and e-book. Check this site for launch details.


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