Landmarks: Dael Allison

April 7, 2017By Spineless Wonders ~teaminterviews, Shop, short story anthology, short story collection, THE COLUMN, The joanne burns Award

This week we talk with the 2016 regional joanne burns award winner, Dael Allison. Her recent work ‘Breakwall’ appears in Landmarks – the latest anthology curated by Spineless Wonders. During this interview we discover Dael’s favourite Australian landscape, who inspires her writing and what inspired her mirco-lit, ‘Breakwall.’

Landmarks: Patrick West

March 31, 2017By Spineless Wonders ~teaminterviews, Shop, short story anthology, short story collection, THE COLUMN

This week we discuss the short story form with Deakin University lecturer, Patrick West. His short story ‘In Brief’ is published in Landmarks – the latest anthology curated by Spineless Wonders. During this interview we discover Patrick’s favourite Australian landscape, who inspires his writing and what inspired his latest micro-lit, ‘In Brief.’

Landmarks: Tricia Dearborn

March 29, 2017By Spineless Wonders ~teaminterviews, Shop, short story anthology, short story collection, THE COLUMN, The joanne burns Award

This week we talk to prize-winning poet and short story writer, Tricia Dearborn, about her short story ‘Dancing with the Machine’ which is published in Landmarks – the latest anthology curated by Spineless Wonders. During this interview we discover her favourite Australian landscape, who inspires her writing and what inspired her latest micro-lit, ‘Dancing with the Machine.’

Ruth Wyer: Flashing the Square

July 1, 2015By Bronwyn MehanShop, short story anthology

To celebrate MicroLit Month, we bring you interviews with Flashing The Square authors. Today we feature, Ruth Wyer whose piece, ‘I Don’t Use My Powers For Good’ you can listen to below. 1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which will appear in Flashing the Square? I commute 3 hours a day and … Read More