We are excited to introduce you to Jack Webster, the author of ‘Drain’ in Slinkies 2023. Jack’s work is a story of grief and the haunting emotions that come with it. In this interview, Jack talks about the inspirations behind the story, his favourite thriller and horror stories and the film script he is currently working on. Read his story ‘Drain’ in Slinkies 2023, out December 1st! Pre-order your copy for $19.99 of Slinkies 2023 now to read ‘Drain’ and other short stories. Join us for the highly anticipated Slinkies 2023 Book Party on October 26th!


About Jack

Jack Webster, stage-name ‘Egregious Malady’, is a member of the rap group ‘The Dead Cynics’. Malady was encouraged to try his hand at fiction writing by his collaborator, Vermin Soju.


What inspired you to write 'Drain'?

‘Drain’ was the product of bad plumbing and hundreds of hours of washing dishes over the sink.


Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash


One of my favourite aspects of ‘Drain’ is how intense the story gets towards the end. Are there any particularly favourite thrillers or horrors of yours?

I have always been a stan of Edgar Allen Poe’s work. Other authors and their stories that have influenced me include, 'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 'Diary of a Madman' by Guy de Maupassant, and 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge' by Ambrose Bierce.


Were there any challenges for you in getting into the headspace of the protagonist of ‘Drain’?

I wouldn’t say there were challenges. I find it easier to write characters that are entirely different to me than ones similar. It was a joy to discover more of who she was with each sentence.


Are you writing anything else at the moment?

I’m currently co-writing a movie script with Vermin Soju. The story is about a father who needs to adopt unorthodox methods in disciplining their son, who has been in trouble for bullying at school.


Where can we find you on the socials?

I avoid social media, but you may contact me at jackwebster44@gmail.com.