We bring you another instalment in our Where Are They Now series which profiles some of our former interns. We ask them to look back at their internship/work experience with Spineless Wonders and tell us about any highlights and anything they found useful from the experience. We also asked about other internships they have undertaken.
Of course, we are curious about what happens to our interns, so we asked what they are doing now – workwise, in any further study or training as well as other interests outside of work. We asked what they were reading or writing. And finally we asked them to look towards the horizon and say where they see themselves in the future.

You can read Meet the Interns Part 1 and Meet the Interns Part 2 . Interested in becoming an intern with Spineless Wonders? Direct inquiries to info@shortaustralianstories.com.au



I was fortunate enough to do an internship with Spineless Wonders as part of my Masters of Publishing at USyd. During this time, I got to work on both Panthers and the Museum of Fire and the Michael McGirr Selects project, which involved:

  • assisting in typesetting, proofreading and promotional material;
  • researching cover designs for the digital singles and liaising with the graphic designer regarding the creative brief, time-frame and image sourcing;
  • editing and proofreading long stories; and
  • converting final manuscript drafts into eBooks.


It was really exciting to be able to be part of these two projects; to be given the opportunity to actually apply what I had learnt in class about editing and writing author queries, and then to receive feedback about what could be done better next time. Being able to work closely with Bronwyn also meant that I learnt a lot about how a small publishing company operates, as she really takes the time both to teach and to listen to new ideas. Overall, it was a really rewarding learning experience that was not only a springboard to other job opportunities but also one that reinforced my decision to pursue a career in publishing.

I’m now working at Puddingburn Publishing Services , which provides editing, indexing, desktop publishing, proofreading and project management services to the publishing industry. We are a team of 14 ‘puddings’ based in a small sandstone cottage in Hunters Hill who do work for a wide variety of clients including academic and general trade writers; major legal, trade and academic publishers; and government departments.

It is a great team to work with, as everyone is super smart and good at what they do but also really friendly and approachable. Here at Puddingburn, my role is an interesting mixed bag of liquorice allsorts – indexing legal publications (which is what I do most, making full use of both my law and publishing degrees!), proofreading, contributing to our blog/social media updates and anything else that I can help out with. To be honest, before this role I had never fully grasped the importance of indexers and the complicated process that indexing often can be – how it is not just a list of where specific words (or phrases) are used in the text. In case you are curious, check out my first contribution to the Puddingburn blog

I’m currently reading a chick lit novel that I am a little ashamed to name, and when I’m not reading I like to eat cake and watch trashy reality television dating shows.



Alyssa Hanley and Bronwyn Mehan
Alyssa Hanley and Bronwyn Mehan

The culmination of my internship with Spineless Wonders, was the December launch of Jon Steiner’s book The Last Wilkie’s and Other Stories. For this book project I assisted in promotion and gaining publicity before the book party. We worked to a promotion schedule put together in conjunction with Bronwyn, and created a press release kit utilising my magazine design experience. One of the most exciting things that we did was produce a video interview panel with the author, editor and a host, that I was lucky enough to direct.

Interning with Spineless Wonders gave me some hands on experience within the book publishing industry that I didn’t yet have. It’s very different studying all the book publishing business methods at uni but they really become solidified one you put them into practice. I really enjoyed working with such a tight-knit team. Working directly with the publisher and the author enabled a true sense of pride and camaraderie which you simply do not get with a large company.

Since then several exciting developments have occurred across the areas spanning of my work. Firstly, I have been approached to write a forward and introduction for a history of Australian tattooing.

Burlesque_posterSecondly, outside the field of publishing, I shall be taking two months in June and July of this year to headline the Australian Burlesque Festival and travel to New Zealand to perform. I’m still doing my Master’s of Publishing at the University of Sydney and will be finished by the end of this year.



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