
Pulped Fiction


An anthology of prose poems and microfiction

‘Like walking into a party-house.’ Antonia Pont


Cri Fi, Sci Fi, Noir, Rom Com, Lit Fic, Western, Horror, Gothic, Fantasy, Fairytale… In this latest anthology of microlit, writers were invited to play with genre.  Here you will find some of the well-worn tropes from literature and film reshaped and manipulated – all in less than half a page. The results are sometimes political, sometimes philosophical; but always playful, witty and stunningly written.

Edited by Cassandra Atherton, and with a Foreword by Jodi McAlister, the anthology includes pieces by commissioned well-known writers including the award-winning joanne burns,  as well as new voices unearthed through the national Microlit Award named in her honour.

‘Reading Pulped Fiction is like walking into a party-house of umpteen rooms in a speculative cosmos. Characters sprawl, in various states of mental, ethical and bodily undress, across vast spaces and disjunctive times. (There’s already beer in the corn chips.) Catch a snippet of apocalyptic fretting here, some mythical slander there, scenes from suburban dystopia rioting near the fridge, and some marketing-smarm in the shady reaches of the long hallway. The banter is fast, clever, libidinous and urgent. Pulped Fiction is the kind of party your parents warned you about. Drink plenty of water. Carry protection and a change of undies.’

Antonia Pont, You Will Not Know In Advance What You’ll Feel

Includes works by invited authors:

joanne burns | Shady Cosgrove | Nick Couldwell |Erin Gough | Tess Pearson | K A Rees | Tom Simpson | Ali Jane Smith | Jo Taylor | Anne Vickery | Jen Webb | Richard Holt

and finalists in the 2021 joanne burns Microlit Award:

Adria Castellucci |Anne Booty |Art O’Brien |Beth Spencer |Brenda Proudfoot | Cheryl Rogers | Danielle Baldock | Deborah Van Heekeren | Dorothy Simmons | Hannah Cockroft |Hilary Hewitt |Jan Dean | Jane Hall | Jane O’Sullivan | Jenni Nixon | Jude Bridge | Kate Middleton | Madison Godfrey | Marjorie Lewis-Jones | Mark O’Flynn | Michael Brown | Moya Costello | P S Cottier |Rosanna Licari | Ruth Horsfall | Sam Andrews | Sam Elkin |Sandra Renew | Seetha Nambiar Dodd | Sky Carrall | Stuart Barnes | Susan McCreery | Suzanne Frankham.

Purchase price of $25.99 from this website includes RRP of $22.99 plus $3.00 towards shipping costs.