‘Kate Liston-Mills’s lush but precise prose and fresh perspective gives this collection about the tough stuff of ordinary life immense energy, beauty and warmth. That she manages to get depth of character and intense sense of place in such a slim collection is a true wonder, as is her ability to show the inherent drama and tragedy of everyday life without every straying into sentimentality or bleakness.’ Emily Maguire
This is a collection of linked stories about Kate Liston-Mills’ own home town of Pambula on the NSW South Coast. The book’s apparent slightness and whimsical title belie the close observation and deep feeling that inform its contents…’ Kerryn Goldsworthy, The Age Newspaper
With illustrations by Gert Geyer
About The Author:

KATE LISTON-MILLS lives in Pambula and works as a journalist, writer, poet and teacher. Her works have been published in the Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Telegraph, Writer’s Edit, Prowlings, Tertangala, TIDE and the South Coast Writers Centre.