Crime Scenes launch

April 14, 2016By Bronwyn MehanShop, Short crime fiction

Veteran Australian crime writer, Barry Maitland described the Crimes Scenes anthology as ‘ a wonderful new development for Australian crime fiction.’ Barry Maitland, author of the Brock and Kolla and Harry Belltree crime novel series as well as short crime fiction which have been widely published, launched Crime Scenes at the 2016 Newcastle Writers Festival … Read More

Wanted: New Crime Writing

April 21, 2015By Bronwyn MehanShort crime fiction

The 2015 The Carmel Bird Award competition is now open Theme: new crime writing Judged by Zane Lovitt First prize: $500 Length: 5000 words max. Winning and selected shortlisted stories will be published in the Spineless Wonders crime-themed anthology along with stories by invited authors. Closing date: 31 August 2015 What are we looking for? … Read More