Derision For Home Owners Won’t Save You – discomforting innercity stories

Tuesday May 1. 7pm Knox St Bar, Chippendale, Sydney

Tickets available from Eventbrite, here.

Come along to this night of performed fiction. You’ll hear inner-city tales of the past and the present, about local landmarks and remarkable locals. We have a Darlington flâneur, a cold case from Camperdown Park, Greek biscuits from Australia Street, a grief-stricken lesbian in Erko, hipster house-hunters in Sydenham and an Italian-speaking cat.

Join MC Monique Schafter and Little Fictions’ actors Felix Johnson, Ella Watson-Russell and Lauren Hamilton Neill plus guest musician, Lax Charisma as they bring to life new writing at one of Chippendale’s grooviest small bars. The show includes works by Jen Craig, Jon Steiner,  Julie Chevalier, Anne Maree Apanski, Hilary Hewitt and Tess Pearson. The show’s title piece will be performed by its author, Emma Rose Smith.

This event is part of the 2018 Sydney Writers Festival.