Snuggle Up With Spineless

April 12, 2022By Bronwyn_MehanEVENTS, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

What a whirlwind 2022 has been! It really has felt like the entirety of the 21st century has been squeezed into the first few years of the 2020s. But that’s enough of that … As the weather cools down and (for some lucky states!) the leaves turn auburn and fall in piles on our footpaths, it’s … Read More

Little Fictions Callout: Year of the Rat

September 10, 2019By Bronwyn_MehanEVENTS, SUBMIT

Did you know that rats smile with their ears? Or, that they enjoy being tickled? Whilst in Western culture rats are viewed as pets or pests, in Chinese culture being a Rat suggests you might be clever, a quick thinker and successful. Love them or hate them, we’re looking for texts about rats. Whether it’s … Read More

Microflix @ Surry Hills Festival 2018

September 5, 2018By Bronwyn_MehanEVENTS, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

Join MC Bailey Sharp for the screening of 30 short animated films inspired by micro fiction.We’ll be celebrating the achievements of the talented teams of emerging animators and sound designers who created these microflix. We will also be officially launching the MICROFLIX Awards and Festival which will be held annually and open to authors and … Read More

Derision For Home Owners

March 20, 2018By Spineless Wonders ~teamEVENTS, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

Derision For Home Owners Won’t Save You – discomforting innercity stories Tuesday May 1. 7pm Knox St Bar, Chippendale, Sydney Tickets available from Eventbrite, here. Come along to this night of performed fiction. You’ll hear inner-city tales of the past and the present, about local landmarks and remarkable locals. We have a Darlington flâneur, a … Read More

Vaginal Spray: feminist stories

February 26, 2018By Spineless Wonders ~teamEVENTS, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

Wednesday 14 March 8pm 107, 107 Redfern St, Redfern Vaginal Spray: feminist stories brings you stories of women who break away, women who stand their ground and women who stand by each other. Your host for the evening is Walkley Award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker, Monique Schafter (Hungry Beast and ABC’s 7.30). A fresh-faced librarian … Read More

Little Fictions: Year of the Dog

January 24, 2018By Bronwyn MehanEVENTS, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

To mark the 2018 Lunar New Year, Little Fictions presents an array of canine-inspired stories for your listening pleasure. Ranging from unlikely shaggy dog tales to stories that come with a bite, these short Australian stories will delight and enthral. Join MC KATHRYN YUEN (‘Mrs Chan’ from the SBS TV comedy, Maximum Choppage) and actors, … Read More

Little Fictions Callout: Vaginal Spray

January 18, 2018By Bronwyn MehanEVENTS, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

We are seeking submissions for a feminist-themed Little Fictions event planned for 2018. Closes Feb 19, 2018. Entry is free. Email submissions to info[at] What are we looking for? We would like to mark the 2018 International Women’s Day with some contemporary takes on the f-word. You might depict a world where ‘feminazi’ is not … Read More