Spineless Wonders is delighted to introduce Azianami, a multimedia artist who enjoys performing his pieces and speaking words that hardly ever get spoken, representing the unspoken in these hard times. Azianami’s ‘Memories butterflies’ is published in the 2022 Moon Orchard audiobook and comments on the human spirit and nature. He aims to shed light where there is darkness. This interview discusses what music inspires him and his thoughts on the Moon Orchard anthology.



What inspired you to write the piece that is included in Moon Orchard?

What inspired me to write this piece is nature and the human spirit and the many ways we try to define the human soul throughout time.


What are you working on now?

I am currently working on new hybridized songs that blend hip-hop with rock.


What are you reading/listening to at the moment? Who are some writers/creatives we should watch out for?

I am currently listening to many R&B and soul songs. I am also watching reality shows in the US like The Voice and American Idol, so I would watch out for some of the new talent there.


Now that you’ve listened to Moon Orchard, tell us what your thoughts about it, do you have any favourite pieces?

I love the anthology. I like the diversity of voices and various stories presented. All the pieces are good.


Azianami’s Socials: 

