In I Put A Spell on You, Sam George-Allen explores how certain practices of women today mirror the work of their spell-casting ancestors. This collection sheds light on who witches actually were, before patriarchal societies painted these women as the wart-faced bedfellows of demons.
‘George-Allen uses an astonishing body of research in this evocative fiction.’ BRIDGET LUTHERBORROW, Slinkies curator
About The Author:

SAM GEORGE-ALLEN is a Brisbane writer and musician. Her work has been published in The Lifted Brow, Stilts, and The Suburban Review, among others. She is a co-founding editor of online literary magazine Scum.
Author interview here.
About the Slinkies eCollection series:
Slinkies Collections is a digital platform for new and emerging writers under 30. To read more great Slinkies, browse the online store on this website. To submit a story, check out the Slinkies tab on our Homepage. Slinkies cover designs are by Finbah Neill.