Sadly, the last episode of Little Fictions On Air was broadcast on Monday 22 February this year. Here is what our host, Kate Liston-Mills had to say about her experience of hosting for the short story series over the past twelve months.

‘I’ve really enjoyed bringing you such wonderful stories from talented Australian writers read by equally talented Australian actors. And it has been wonderful working with the Spineless Wonders’ team who has brought you this show and thanks so much for listening.’

Little Fictions On Air first went to air in July 2018 and was presented by actor, Ella Watson-Russell. You can catch up with all seventy past episodes via the 2RPH website.

We would like to thank all the authors and actors who have contributed their work to this unique show and a special thanks to the production teams which have worked behind the scenes to produce the show. Huge thanks to our community radio host – to Radio 2RPH Station Manager, Sancha Donald and Station Engineer-in-Chief, Peter Worthington for being lovely hosts. And thanks to the Community Radio Network for its ongoing support of Little Fictions.

Get Behind short Australian stories

All previous episodes are available to community radio stations across Australia via the Community Radio Network – so contact your local radio station and ask them to add Little Fictions On Air to their programming. That way you will help our authors and actors find more listeners.

What next?

This is not the end of short Australian audio stories! Spineless Wonders’ team is busy putting it’s energies into its new audio production venture, creating new audiobooks, audio-dramas and podcasts. Stay tuned for some exciting news and opportunities.