Stoned Crow: Barrie Walsh

May 13, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? Inspiration for Howbeit I Howszat came from Melbourne’s Spring Racing Carnival 2013 at the time of writing to Stoned Crows.  2.Tell us about your process.  Take us through an example if you want. My thought process … Read More

Stoned Crow: Paul Mitchell

May 6, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? ‘The Veteran’ came out of a number of dream sequences I’d written that formed part of a novel. Now in about its sixth draft. I no longer needed them in the novel, but I always liked … Read More

Stoned Crow: Anna Kerdijk Nicholson

April 29, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons?There were a number of inspirations for these prose poems. ‘At Sculpture by the Sea’ is probably self-explanatory. It was a damaging experience in many ways. ‘The Mind Travels’ was my awareness that the mind goes as … Read More

Stoned Crow: Mark O’Flynn

April 18, 2013By Bronwyn MehanStoned Crows interviews No Comments

1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published in Stoned Crows & other Australian icons? I had collected a bunch of short aphorisms over several years that appealed to me. These took the form of pearls of wisdom from a range of different sources, including philosophy, haiku, other poets and many … Read More

Open letter

November 19, 2012By Bronwyn Mehanguest blog No Comments

Dear SPINELESS WONDERS, I facilitate a group of young, emerging writers and have been encouraging them to enter your Icons competition. Could you tell us a little more about it? Yours, Frustr8d Teacher Dear FT, Thank you for your inquiry and for the chance to explain a little more about our latest competition. An icon … Read More

Small Wonder review

October 15, 2012By Bronwyn Mehanreviews, small wonder interviews No Comments

We are reproducing, in full, this terrific review by Ali Jane Smith of our first prose poetry/microfiction anthology, Small Wonder. You can find other reviews, great fiction and poetry in the final issue of Famous Reporter here. Copies of Small Wonder can be purchased from our Products Page or ask for it at your local … Read More

Indigo Book of Australian Prose Poems

October 24, 2011By Bronwyn Mehanreviews No Comments

Our small wonder prose poem/micro fiction competition kicked off on October 16 and so we thought it timely to reflect on the fine tradition of prose poetry in Australia. This week on The Column, Ali Jane Smith reviews The Indigo Book of Australian Prose Poems, Edited by Michael Byrne (Ginninderra Press, 2011). Opening an anthology … Read More