Bogan Versailles

January 20, 2022By Bronwyn_Mehanguest blog, THE COLUMN

By Helen Hopcroft I grew up in a single parent family in Tasmania but secretly always wanted to be a dead French Queen. Let your mind hover over a map of Australia, then zoom down into an uninspiring Hobart suburb circa 1979. It’s probably raining. Picture an old weatherboard house beside the Derwent River, then … Read More

Just Our Type

November 4, 2020By Spineless Wonders ~teamguest blog, interns, THE COLUMN

‘I was quickly obsessed with every click and clack of the keys. I was so motivated by these sounds that I waited for the ting that would come at the end of every line, followed by a long brrrr sound. It’s the best.’ This week our guest blogger is publishing intern, Luzelle Sotelo who writes … Read More

Imposter Syndrome

September 30, 2020By Bronwyn Mehanguest blog, Shop, THE COLUMN

Hello, it is hump day and that means it is time for another installment in the life and times of Spineless Wonders intern, Angela Jin. This week, Dear Reader, Angela reveals how an unhealthy obsession with a certain genre of fiction might just be getting in the way of her  career goal of becoming Editor-In-Chief … Read More