Most Underrated Book Award finalist: LOOPHOLES

October 20, 2017By Spineless Wonders ~teamEVENTS, microlit, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)

‘This year’s shortlist highlights the diverse, risk-taking and creative work being published by independent publishers….’ We are thrilled that Susan McCreery’s Loopholes in the running for the Small Press Networks’ award for the most underrated book of 2017 sponsored by the Australian Booksellers Association. The winner will be announced by Toni Jordan, one of three MUBA … Read More

Mark Smith: Flashing the Square

November 3, 2014By Bronwyn MehanFlashing the Square, interviews, Shop

MARK SMITH won the 2013 joanne burns Award with his microfiction, ‘10.42 from Sydenham’ and this year his piece, ‘The Meteorologist’s Daughter’ was runner up. We caught up with him recently to ask him about his microfiction and what inspires him to write. 1. What inspired you to write the prose poem/microfiction which is published … Read More