Bogan Versailles

January 20, 2022By Bronwyn_Mehanguest blog, THE COLUMN

By Helen Hopcroft I grew up in a single parent family in Tasmania but secretly always wanted to be a dead French Queen. Let your mind hover over a map of Australia, then zoom down into an uninspiring Hobart suburb circa 1979. It’s probably raining. Picture an old weatherboard house beside the Derwent River, then … Read More

2021 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award winners

December 10, 2021By Spineless Wonders ~teamCarmel_Bird_Digital_Literary_Award, Shop, THE COLUMN

Writer and Digital Humanities specialist, David Thomas Henry Wright has won the 2021 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award for A Condensed History of the Australian Camel. Our prize judge Roanna Gonsalves described Wright’s entry as an ‘exceptional work,’ which is ‘in part an ode to camels and in part a ludic interrogation of the archive’. … Read More

Meet the Slinkies: Bethany Cody

September 21, 2021By Spineless Wonders ~teaminterviews, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage), short story anthology, Slinkies, Slinkies, THE COLUMN

We are thrilled to introduce you to emerging writer, Bethany Cody whose short story, ‘Seep’ is published in the 2021 Slinkies anthology. In this interview with publishing intern, Jessica Duff, Bethany talks about the origin of her story, about the role of research in fiction writing  and her favourite authors. To find out more about … Read More