Meet the Moon Orchard Authors: Rohini Alexandra

June 2, 2023By Zara McElroyfeature article, interviews, NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage), THE COLUMN

Courtesy: Tonktiti   Spineless Wonders is delighted to introduce Rohini Alexandra, the author of ‘Time and Prejudice’ published in the audiobook Moon Orchard. Rohini Alexandra is a lawyer in Melbourne. This interview discusses Rohini’s inspiration, their current works and books they are currently reading.    What inspired you to write the piece that is included in … Read More

Microlit on StoryPhones

October 6, 2016By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article, microlit, Shop

We are excited to be launching the Spineless Wonders StoryPhones. The first set of twelve audio stories to be featured on the StoryPhones are microlit – all under two minutes long. The subject matter ranges from shark attacks to shipwrecks and they are recorded by actors as well as  authors. In this article, intern, Jordan … Read More

Introducing StoryPhones

October 5, 2016By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article, microlit, Shop

Do you remember push button phones? When the only form of communication, outside of face-to-face, was by picking up the phone and calling a friend? When there was no such thing as instant messaging or social media? And the only way to find out about someone’s life was by calling them? StoryPhones is about capturing … Read More


March 2, 2016By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article, storybombing

We are excited to announce our new platform for bringing short Australian stories out into the open air. #storybombing projects offer immersive and playful encounters with bite-sized Australian literature through text, voice, audio and visual elements. Whether via low or high tech (from pavement chalk and ‘fiction’ fortune cookies to time-lapse recording, decal transparencies, digital … Read More

Farewell to Linda Godfrey

January 15, 2016By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article

This week we bid farewell to one of the founders of Spineless Wonders, Linda Godfrey. Over the past (almost) five years, Linda has worked tirelessly in a range of capacities within this small press – as editor, publicist and more recently, as curator of Little Fictions. Today I’d like to pay tribute to Linda’s massive … Read More

Intern tells all

November 12, 2015By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article, Shop

We thought we would let you into a little controversy we’ve had at Spineless Wonders HQ this past month over our new sponsorship deal with the Wilkie’s Family Restaurant Corp. If you missed the big announcement, you can check it out in our October newsletter. But it seems not everyone in the indie publishing sector … Read More

A typo-forgiving space – SW Bookclub

September 17, 2015By Bronwyn Mehanfeature article, Shop

It’s Thursday night. You’re on the train home from work. You’re cheerfully leaving a uni lecture to hit the pub. Or, you’re settling in on the couch at home and about to have the best conversation you’ll have all week. Its Book Club night. On the Spineless Wonders Facebook. Emma Walsh gives this first-hand account … Read More