We are thrilled to introduce you to Sydney writer, Amanda Jayne whose short story, ‘Dress Code’ is published in the 2021 Slinkies anthology. In this interview with publishing intern, Jessica Duff, Amanda talks about the origins of her story, writing across fiction and non-fiction genres and who she is reading right now. To find out … Read More
NEWS & EVENTS (Homepage)
#100 words 4 butterfly writing comp
Did you know that the Basque language has 100 words for pitxilota – Sorry, for butterfly? Well, my little pinpilinpauxas, now that you have been enlightened of the existence of such a beautiful thing, it is time you used your enlightened minds to share with us 100 words of your own! How? Why, by entering … Read More
With feathers bright red
‘Dear Ibis is a letter. Like all letters, it is a time capsule. Written during a year of fire, flood and a global pandemic, Dear Ibis touches on some of the key challenges that have impacted our world.’ Spineless Wonders is proud to be releasing Kate Liston-Mills’ second collection of short fiction. Dear Ibis is … Read More
Farewell from Little Fictions On Air
Sadly, the last episode of Little Fictions On Air was broadcast on Monday 22 February this year. Here is what our host, Kate Liston-Mills had to say about her experience of hosting for the short story series over the past twelve months.
2021 joanne burns Microlit Award winners announced
This year the NWF/joanne burns Microlit Award invited writers to submit fiction or prose poems of up to 200 words which play with popular genres. The winners of the National and Hunter categories, along with award finalists and invited authors are published in the anthology, Pulped Fiction which is released this month. The winners are….
Revenge – a journey from digital to paperback to audiobook
‘In 2017, I found myself with a 12,000-word novella. It was best piece of fiction I’d ever written, and possibly the best piece of writing of any sort, and it sat in my hard drive, dreaming of readers.’ Find out how Ashley Kalagian Blunt’s journey to publication across a range of platforms unfolded.
The Joys of Constructing a Collection of Stories
by Carmel Bird Writing a short story is one of my greatest pleasures. Then taking a bunch of stories I have written and devising a structure for a collection – that’s another. Sometimes writers set out with a theme – say, to keep it simple here, fourteen stories about plagues – and then their task … Read More
Becoming a writer: Deniz Agraz
Mentor, writers’ circle or uni course? Our 2021 Slinkies judge, Deniz Agraz shares her thoughts on the various options for emerging writers. As well as a potted history of her own writing career to date, beginning at the age of seven.
Arathimos, Cosgrove and Dunnell take out 2020 Carmel Bird Awards
We are excited to announce the results of the 2020 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award. Top honours go to Michalia Arathimos for her short-story collection Apologia with runner up status is conferred on Katerina Cosgrove for her novella, Zorba The Buddha and Brooke Dunnell for her debut collection, Female(s and) Dogs. Our prize judge Justin … Read More
What Do We Owe To Each Other (In a Post-Apocalyptic Australia)
In this new blog series, we invite publishing intern Angela Jin to share her latest musings with us. This week she’s been up at 3am contemplating life as Will Smith in ‘I Am Legend’.